Category Business

Top Cyber Threat: Business E-Mail Compromise Scams

Business e-mail compromise (BEC) scams have emerged as the most prevalent cyber attack facing businesses today, as reported by cyber-security firm Arctic Wolf. Nearly 75% of businesses have encountered these scams, and 29% have suffered successful attacks. These scams involve…

Annual Insurance Reviews: Safeguarding Business Growth

Essential for Business Growth: The Significance of Yearly Insurance Reviews A common oversight as businesses expand is the neglect to update insurance coverage to align with increasing assets and potential liabilities. Relying on outdated insurance can leave you underinsured as…

Report: Most Small Businesses Are Underinsured

A recent report spotlights a concerning issue within the small business landscape – despite their growth and achievements, a significant majority of them are inadequately insured. The report, released by Hiscox, a specialized insurance company, unveils that 75% of small…

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